“Men's Health Series - East Meets West”
This is a six-week series designed specifically to address men's health from the perspective of yoga and yogic medicine (Ayurveda) in a forum setting. The class will be an hour and a half long and will include open discussion, specific asana's, dietary recommendations, breathing, and meditation techniques, along with general guidelines for maintaining good health. Students will come away with the insight that will increase perception and encourage a sense of balance and well-being.
Men's Health is a specialty and passion of mine. I am personally motivated by this topic as it is such and important need on many levels in our community and especially during this time on the planet. Men's health is more than just the understanding of physical health. It involves mental/emotional, and spiritual health as well. It is the combination of all the above that makes us whole, and when they are separated then, well, we are fragmented in ways and our bodies can show us such as disharmonious relationship through its expression of symptoms.
I have been exploring the depths of what it means to be a man, that is balanced, and measuring it according to how I feel in my mind and body. I have my own journey of exploring the many facets of my being to learn more about myself and what makes me happy, healthy, prosperous, and whole overall.
It is common that physical ailments parallel with emotional ailments. It has been a programming from various aspects of society that men were shaped to look and be a certain way, but in doing so, many men have lost themselves, lost their voices, lost connection to health, and lost connection to a deeper sense of love and contentment. It is my intention through the work that I offer that I help other men to find themselves and truly feel fully empowered in the world. A sense of confidence, "open hearted-ness", balance of both the masculine and feminine energies, and have this all integrated in the body. This 6 week series builds on itself. Each week there will be a topic of discussion, representing both the eastern and western sides of things, with a little yoga, breathing techniques, and overall health suggestions. For deeper work, it is encouraged to work with me individually. This can be discussed during our time together.
As I have offered this in the past, the guys were great. We learned so much from each other and many of them came to see me privately. They are happy and thriving in their lives. Healthier too. I am excited to offer this again.
Dates: April 17, April 24, May 1, May 8, May 15, May 22
Time: 7:00-8:30
Cost: $125.00
Location: W. Mt. Airy
Contact: SOPHIE