Still Point Ayurveda is based on the understanding that health is an outward expression of an inner experience. This inner experience comes from a deeper understanding of our natural capacity for optimal living. The "still point" is a place of stillness that exists within each and every one of us and that can allow us to experience our inner knowing and awareness. It is the seed of potential, the unending possibilities of what living life means in relation to the uniqueness of each individual. There is something so sacred about being able to step away from outer distractions and step back into our deeper knowing that possesses all the "tools" we need in order to support optimal health and balance in our lives. In this, we can see the Earth as a whole is connected, making the world smaller and yet fascinating. Similarly, within the body the vast connections of all the cells, organs, and systems that tie together create an individual. Both globally and individually come to see the smallest of the small and the biggest of the big. The intention is to help you align with your right to live life fully, healthfully, and completely. By attuning ourselves to this internal wisdom we can create and achieve harmony which supports the body-mind-spirit paradigm. Through this philosophy, we can all attain eternal healing. Through having a place where someone holds a sacred space that allows us to "drop-in" we can become aware of the stillness within where everything comes from and how to proceed from. This is like the bindhi presented in numerous art pieces of Asian traditions, represented by the dot at the center. It's a magical place. We can reconnect with the magic of our lives when we slow down to see what is happening at the moment. " Stillness has the power to heal the body and to awaken higher energy and awareness in the mind. Such yogic stillness, however, is not an enforced stillness born of personal effort but a natural stillness born of deep relaxation."- Vamadeva Shastri (Dr. David Frawley)
At Still Point Ayurveda, it is understood that health is an outward expression of an inner experience; and everyone's inner experience is different. With healthful living becoming a trend, it is hard to know which direction is right for you. There are options for diet, exercise, meditation, and even the best water to drink. It can be overwhelming and frustrating, especially when what worked for your friend or family member is not working out the same way for you, and no one can tell you why. Antonio understands because we know that you are unique. At Still Point Ayurveda, the goal is to help you align with your right to live life fully, healthfully, and completely by doing what is best for your individual needs. Still Point Ayurveda can support you through its many services ranging from Ayurvedic medicine and various bodywork/energy techniques to yoga classes and cooking workshops. What serves you best is what we are here to provide. Know that you are supported through the changes YOU are ready to make in your life!
The intention of Still Point Ayurveda is to provide the necessary support through various philosophies and medical systems, allowing for the East to bridge the gap with the West, simultaneously, rooting itself in a holistic way of health and well-being. The vision here stems from my own ongoing personal journey with health on many levels and through various experiences throughout my life. Still Point Ayurveda will support your journey through its many services ranging from Ayurvedic healthcare and massage to Yoga classes and Cooking Workshops.
Dr. Antonio (Vishnu ) Aragona AD, is the owner and director of Still Point Ayurveda, this small private practice. He is a highly skilled practitioner, with around 20 years of experience, who specializes in assisting clients to achieve their specific goals for change in addition to providing individualized health and lifestyle recommendations. He was practicing Ayurveda part-time since 2003 and full-time since 2009. His comprehensive background, combining Eastern and Western training, enables him to create unique approaches to your needs, integrating Ayurvedic consultations with herbs, dietary/nutrition, massage, Asian bodywork, Ayurvedic therapies addressing various states of health including weight management, detox, and rejuvenating programs, all depending on your specific situation, goals, and needs.