What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda, meaning "the science of life," is the sister science/medical side of Yoga and is considered the most complete system of natural healthcare in the world today. This 7,000-year-old model of healthcare is a system of medicine in India but recognized solely as a system of healthcare in the United States of America, due to the current legal parameters established here in the United States of America, provides us with a unique opportunity to understand ourselves as a part of nature. Ayurveda encourages the concept that we each possess our own individual constitution based on 3 doshas. This allows us to take our well-being into our own hands using our unique traits. This holistic approach to maintaining and regaining optimal health depends on carefully constructing plans according to our Ether/Space, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth elemental configuration. Ayurveda gives us the practical tools to re-establishing ourselves and taking charge of not only our health but also our lives. It focuses on an individually based diet and lifestyle protocol to help achieve a level of balance. Herbs and other supplements, spirituality, psychology, rejuvenation and revitalization, breathing exercises (Pranayama), meditation, and physical exercises (such as yoga asanas, gym exercises, and other physical forms of activity) are some of the various tools recommended as part of this system to gain harmony and manage imbalances. Click HERE for some more clarification on what is Ayurveda.
Ayurveda can:
provide a comprehensive means to detox and cleanse
address weight loss or weight gain
address digestive and gastrointestinal issues
address sleep issues
provide stress management
address mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, PTSD
strengthen immunity
balance hormones
work with chronic illness and conditions such as cancer (or various types) and HIV, along with other immune-related issues such as lymes
support individuals around chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia
provides pain management
reduce or eliminate allergies of various types
resolve insomnia
support health and longevity
not only be about sick care but also maintaining healthcare overall
get to the root of skin issues such as eczema, psoriasis, acne
strengthen the body externally via yoga and other exercise regimens; along with strengthening the body from the inside via herbs and diet
work on healing trauma, psychologically, physically, and emotionally/mentally