Have this on a cool winter’s night, or morning! Enjoy! Stay warm and cozy!


1 cup of cow’s milk (otherwise almond, hemp, oat milk is ok)

1/8 tsp of cinnamon

1/8 tsp. of clove powder

1/8 tsp. of cardamom

1/8 tsp. of dried ginger powder

1/8 tsp. of black pepper

1 tsp. of turmeric

1 tsp. of ghee or coconut oil

1 tsp. of raw honey


Add milk to a small saucepan.

Add the spices.

Bring to a simmer for about 10 minutes.

Add the oil.

Then wait a couple of minutes so the milk is no longer at boiling point and add the honey.

Stir thoroughly.


If you wanted something dense in the morning, you can add 101-5 almonds and 2 dates. Then blender this mixture before serving.