On occasion, I am asked if I do yoga every day. My answer is yes. But I know most people assume that the yoga practice I do daily involves asana. This is incorrect. I do asana practice regularly but not usually daily and it depends on the inner guidance. Sometimes it can be daily for a while. Sometimes a couple of times a week. Yet, the overall practice of yoga, the science and philosophy of yoga, is done daily which does include awareness, self-reflection, some honoring of divinity in various forms such as a morning ritual, and then connecting with nature herself. In yogic terms, this is known as Abhyasa Yoga or the yoga of continuous practice. My physical practice isn’t usually about “contortionist” asanas or “gymnastic” yoga or even “acrobatic” yoga. (No offense meant)

My practice is simpler and without the “frills” externally. I’ve been practicing yoga asana and all that the science entails for 26 years and have achieved depths without the requirement of “scorpion pose or handstands.” Often, the simpler poses can go deeper, quicker than the “fancier” asanas, from my personal experience.

I was trained in more classical yoga where the asana practice seeks to maintain the body at a certain level so that this outer practice can lead and lend itself towards a deeper inner yoga practice. To some, this is called Raja Yoga through Ashtanga Yoga of Patanjali. Simple and yet dedicated. Disciplined and yet gentle as needed. Resistant and, as needed, persistent. The whole picture as much as possible and simultaneously.

So, do I practice yoga? Yes! Every day in various ways.

Each day is a step-by-step mindful process. Slow down. Patience. Stillness. Presence. Speed up. Grace. Observe. Compassion. Act. Reflect. Connect. (Repeat.)