PLEASE NOTE THAT PANCHAKARMA IS NOT A FAD PROCEDURE! IT IS NOT A QUICK FIX. NOR IS IT A SPA TREATMENT. Panchakarma is a very in-depth process that starts well before the actual cleansing procedures and continues for quite sometime after the process itself has been conducted. The average time for the whole experience can range from 48-86 days, from beginning to end, and requires a strict commitment, based on Ayurvedic science to be effective. I am currently offering panchakarma and I am offering Shamanakarma (Pacification Treatment.) See TAB for more details.

I encourage everyone to view this TAB as the first step toward working with me and the possibility of being considered for panchakarma.


In Ayurveda, Panchakarma is considered "non-surgical surgery" where cellular metabolic accumulation(s) (what new age science refers to as toxicity; but is not accurate), developed from emotional and biological accumulations, is safely and specifically removed from the body layer by layer.

According to Ayurveda "Panchakarma adds 15 years to a person’s life" when done fully and properly. Panchakarma begins with a consultation to determine where you are with health and in reference to where the accumulation of unprocessed materials exists in the body. Daily treatments are implemented, along with herbs so that the body is ready to eliminate accumulated materials via certain routes of the gastrointestinal tract, then any one or more of the five cleansing actions involved in panchakarma is provided and supervised.

Panchakarma (pancha = five, karma = actions), the five cleansing actions involve 1) Basti-medicated enemas, 2) Virecana-induced diarrhea, 3) Vamana- vomiting, 4) Rakta Moksa- leach treatments, and 5) Nasya-nasal administered/applied treatments. In learning what panchakarma consists of, you’ll see it is not designed to be a “Spa or Spot-Treatment.” It is a deep reset that requires utmost care and follow-through, before, during, and after. Generally, not all individuals will receive all five therapies, as this is based on a case-by-case basis.

The process of Panchakarma takes deep cleansing to a whole other level that other detoxification programs/protocols do not. Panchakarma is a very involving and intense process and is determined on a case-by-case basis, and not all who inquire are eligible. (eligibility at a minimum consists of the adequate time required, adequate financial support, and strict adherence to the regimen provided in order to optimize a successful outcome.)

"It is strongly suggested to have PK done seasonally or at least once a year." 

The whole process generally looks like this: first, it will consist of the preparatory diet designed for the protocol,  and the oleative therapies (such as abhyanga-svedhana-shirodhara), known as Purva Karma,  preparing the body for a deeper release of accumulated matter, which can take anywhere from two weeks to 1 month. Then, “Pradhana Karma”, which is actually what people understand Panchakarma to be, consists of the primary cleansing practices of Ayurveda that involve either specialized enemas, purging, or sinus treatments. Lastly, Prashat Karma is the post-diet and lifestyle recommendation, that follows having diminished digestion, then requires a slow building up of the overall strength of digestion, as the body gradually returns to a regular diet, but not the same diet that brought you to this point. 

As per Caraka, in Caraka Samhita Siddhisthana 1/53:

इत्यातुरस्वस्थसुखः प्रयोगो बलायुषोर्वृद्धिकृदामयघ्नः||५३||

ityāturasvasthasukhaḥ prayōgō balāyuṣōrvr̥ddhikr̥dāmayaghnaḥ||53||

In this manner the Panchakarma therapies are described to ensure happiness in both patient and healthy persons by promoting their strength and longevity and also curing the diseases. [53]