Ayurveda Cooking Class - 

In this workshop, we will be supporting health by:

* learning and revisiting what Ayurveda (loosely pronounced Eye-your-vey-duh) is in the context of this season, remembering that Ayurveda is the “Science/Art of living” and the oldest system of medicine in the world.

 *discussing the relevance and importance of seasonal/physiological/physical/psychological changes required to maintain a healthy digestive system as we progress into the later winter and transition into Spring months.

*food is either our medicine or our poison. Our kitchen is our pharmacy. Is what is in your kitchen supportive of health or negating of health? We will be learning about this in this class.

 *preparing the recipes provided, accompanied with an in-depth process of cooking dynamics, such as preparation and mindful eating.

 *"breaking bread together" and enjoying the delicious treats prepared.

 *taking home the actual five recipes for your own sharing.

It's simple: you sign up. Pay. Come. Cook. Eat and be Merry. Leaving with the recipes.

Bon Appetite!




9:00 - 1:00



(Discounted to $55.00 if you register and pay by June 16

OR Bring a friend and the rate for both of you is $100.00 (at $50.00 per person)

Senior Citizen Discount of $50.00

 **Note- register soon and payment is required prior to class to maintain your spot. A MINIMUM of 4 people is required to ensure this class occurs. Tell your friends and family. We'll have a ball and bite! 

**Note:  Seasonal cooking classes are applicable to all individuals because learning about each season can support everyone on their journey as a whole. Each season has a gift to teach and invite everyone to become intimate with. Therefore, even if you are with Kapha tendencies, you can come to a Vata cooking class to learn the unique qualities the season/time of year possesses and how it can apply to you. It's amazing!