It’s amazing how sometimes society can deem us “crazy” when we are willing to look at things about ourselves that don’t fit the societal norm.

Imagine that? Going against the grain and what that means when we are willing to go somewhere where society is incapable of because of what it fears if it does.

Who is to say that the norm is norm for everyone? Or that it should be? I agree that to a certain degree when it comes to the idea of harming others, or harming ourselves, that maybe certain thoughts shouldn’t be acted upon and certain “ethical rules” are put in place to help prevent such things.

Yet, everyone at some point or another has had a thought that wasn’t/isn’t “appropriate.” It’s the how we choose or not choose to act upon the thought that can be the key. Simply having a thought doesn’t make it true or real, unless we do something to act upon it to give it more validity and life.

Are we willing to be looked upon as “disturbed” or “messed up” or “broken” or “rebels” or “non-conformists” when we are not following preset societal definitions and conditioning?

Where is the room for our spirit to explore its authenticity?

Artists learn certain rules usually but then find their own way through expression that has its own inherent freedom? Who is to say that our lives as a whole isn’t designed that way? Don’t some of these artists produce profound art that captures the eye?

In fact, what if it’s the predetermined societal conditioned responses that can drive a person mad more than a person actually having a mad thought?

Are we willing to be different? Dance to the beat of our own drum? Risk seeming or appearing different just because we are exploring our own version of individuality, divinity, and uniqueness?

How would we feel if someone validated our own experience?

How would we feel if we didn’t depend on others for our own validity and trusted our own inner knowing that we were in “the right” for ourselves?

How can we feel integrated if we are denying parts of ourselves?

What would we have to lose if we break free of societal chains? What would we have to gain?

Are we willing to be who we are and risk what others might think of us?

What would our connections and interactions look like with each other if we were each willing to look at our own shadows and embrace what was there, and then showed up with this embracing as we met others in the same place?

We spend so much time hiding from ourselves and then thinking we are hiding from others? What we forget is that we inevitably have to face what we have been running from. What we forget is that sometimes people can still see us even when we tell ourselves that they can’t.

Sometimes when we step outside of our own comfort zones and out of boxes others are reminded of the boxes they’re still in and feel threatened. They’ll do anything to hold on and justify the box they’re in, knowingly and unknowingly. This is a powerful opportunity for reflection on many levels. Simultaneously knowing that that is their path and not ours to follow and that following our truth is what is important for this moment and our journey.

Be ferociously loving in your conviction for truth and self discovery and self remembering. Identities of what we thought about ourselves must be willing surrendered to the funeral pyre of transformation in order to dissolve the illusion of untruth, to allow us to experience what has been here all along.

Untruth always surrenders to what is true. It’s a matter of time.

“An un-investigated life is not worth living”-Byron Katie