1 handful of diced (but not finely diced) parsley or cilantro

1 cup of filtered warm water

1/2 lemon or lime squeezed

1 pinch (1/8 tsp. ) of turmeric powder

1 tsp. of aloe gel


Place all ingredients in a blender and mix at high speed for 1 minute. Strain the mixture. Pour into a glass. Enjoy! (It isn’t the most pleasant of tastes, but sometimes medicine isn’t sweet.)

Have this once a day. Independent of food. Preferably in the morning either before breakfast, if you eat breakfast. Or, between 10 and 12, an hour or two before lunch.


1-This can be taken once a day for 7-10 days; longer if you are planning on doing a deeper cleanse (suggested 21-30 days.)

2-The diet has to support any cleansing intention for proper success. It all starts with diet and lifestyle practices.

3-This is great for this time of year as we transition into Fall/Winter; over the next several weeks is the “window.”

4-If you are sensitive to cleansing, see me or a trained clinical authority to support you in determining if this is the right beverage for you.

5-All cleanses should be done properly and for an appropriate period of time and within the context of the appropriate season, constitution, state of digestion, and lifestyle factors that must be in place. Otherwise, more harm than good can occur. If you are uncertain, see me or a trained clinical authority to support you in determining if this is the right beverage/protocol is for you.

6- Check out this article for more detail, HERE.