1 large white or baking potato cut into small cubes

1.5 cups of cut up broccoli

3 tsp. of curry powder

1 tsp. of mustard seeds

1 onion diced

2 tsp. of salt

2 tbs. ghee or coconut oil

**Protein source optional

1/4 cup of water


In a large frying pan, add the ghee and mustard seeds on medium heat. When you hear the seeds popping, lower the heat and place the other spices. Saute for a minute or two on low to medium heat. Next add the potatoes, onions, and stir in the oil and spices mixture. Add the water and cover on low to medium heat for 20 minutes. Next add the broccoli pieces and cover the pan on low heat. Cook for another 10 minutes and turn off the heat. Let the mixture sit another 5 minutes. Serve.

Note: Optional protein can be added at the same stage potatoes are added. You can also have this dish with some basmati rice on the side, even more veggies.
