This recipe is a variation of what we know as Masala Chai (spiced chai) and the specifics of it will be designed per Doshic predominance of Vata, Pitta, Kapha. This recipe is a general template and will be adjusted accordingly. Check out this article HERE to learn more about the Pungent taste that should be generally implemented during the hot summer months.


3-4 slices of fresh ginger (1/2 - 1 tsp. of dry ginger)

2 tbs. of Cardamom pods, crushed (or 1 tsp. of powder)

8 peppercorns

6 cloves

2 large cinnamon sticks

3 tbs. of black tea (or 4-6 tea bags)

Milk (raw cow’s milk, regular whole organic milk, almond milk, or no milk)

Sweetener (sweeten to taste) raw sugar, maple syrup, honey (to be added once the mixture has been poured into a mug and after the temperature has reduced, only)


Add all the ingredients, except the black tea and sweetener, to a medium-large pot. The large the pot, the more you have to increase the ingredients to be proportionate. Bring the contents to a low-medium simmer for approximately 10-15 minutes. Next, add the black tea and continue to simmer the mixture for another 5-10 minutes. Lastly, add the sweetener. Let this simmer another 5 minutes. Turn off the heat and let it sit for 5 minutes. Strain the mixture and pour it back into the pot. Serve and enjoy!

Now, let’s take a closer look at the Doshic adjustments to be made:

For Vata Predominant types: increase the cinnamon by another half or small stick, keep the dry ginger, reduce the black tea so it’s not so astringent. You can use raw sugar or maple syrup. Cow’s milk is ideal but almond milk is fine as well.

For Pitta Predominant types: increase the cardamom, decrease the dry ginger. Can use raw sugar or maple syrup. Cow’s milk is ideal but almond milk is fine as well.

For Kapha Predominant types: Use fresh ginger and add another 1/2 tsp. You can decrease the cardamom to 1.5 tbs of crushed pods or 1/2 tsp. of the powder. No milk added. Honey is added when the mixture is in your mug and has sat for a few minutes so it isn’t at the boiling temperature. Remember that raw honey should never be cooked or added to hot boiling water.