I am inspired to share with you this recent detox and reset plan that I had completed. It is simple because our lifestyles couldn’t afford us the time to go much deeper with the process and yet we achieved some wonderful outcomes. I lost weight, an average of 10 pounds. I lightened up my liver and significantly reduced inflammation.I improved the quality of focus and rest/sleep. My overall well-being was enhanced.


*For the overall month this was avoided: breads, cheeses, pastas, dairy, snacking, alcohol, no coffee/caffeine, and no sweets or treats. Hydration was increased with teas, waters, and “natural gatorades.” Click HERE for the recipe. Almond milk was okay with teas.

* Yoga exercise and massage was increased. I had seen a massage therapist but I had also done daily self-massage (abhyanga.)

* I also had the pleasure of using my steam box 2-3x week for each week to support detoxification. (This should be avoided if you are experiencing any skin issues and/or are sensitive to high heat.) I would stay in the box, as per Ayurvedic principles, just long enough where a sweat would start to occur, not further.

*Of course. dinacharya rules applied when it came to the structure of the day and the average and proper meal time. Unsure, click HERE for the article on daily structure and click HERE for the Guidelines of Healthy Eating.

* For additional support, I had taken Liver Formula, Triphala pills from Banyan Botanicals. Sometimes I would take the Vata Digest (Hing Vasthak) as well. Pitta’s would take Pitta Digest (Avipattikar). Kapha’s would take Kapha Digest (Trikatu.) I had some Vata in my digestion even as a Pitta predominant individual, that’s why I took the Vata Digest as needed but not often.

*For the first 24 hours, I only had a basic soup with veggies and rice noodles. Three meals of soup for that day.

*For the remainder of the week, 2 shots (at 4oz. each) of juicing, consisting of beet, carrots, ginger, lemon, cilantro (optional parsley), and celery were taken between breakfast and lunch, and lunch and dinner. Kitchari 3x a day with the proper mung to basmati ratio and lots of vegetables with ghee. Water with each meal. My favorite vegetable during this time was/is Broccoli Rabe. I tried to use Bitter Gord but was unsuccessful with it. Maybe you’ll have better luck. The point of the veggies was to make sure they were dark and/or bitter leafy greens. The liver and spleen like the bitter.

*For the remaining 3 weeks, I continued alternating with dosas, kitchari, soups, veggies (mainly bitters, but some carrots, beets, and spinach.) I also began adding in some chicken as per my body’s need. Some days would be pure vegetarian and other days would with be a combination of vegetarian and pollotarian. For instance, in the morning I would have dal with veggies. Lunch would be chicken with veggies and rice. Dinner would be veggies and rice noodles with maybe egg cooked into it as a soup.

* If for some reason I felt some hunger in between meals, I would have a cup of tea, at least the first week and a half. Then, for the remaining time, I would alternate between tea and the cacao shake recipe, click HERE. I continued to drink adequate water, teas, and the natural gatorades.

*During these 3 weeks, I replaced the beet juice and other veggies with just celery juice. I drank 4-6oz. of celery juice 2x daily in between meals. I liked the taste and felt it work nicely with my body.

*In transitioning out of the 30 days regimen, I continued with eating smaller meals as per my stomach capacity by listening to the subtle cues of being full. I slowly added in regular dairy, then cheese, and then other foods based on my body’s response, and if for some reason I had a mild symptom such as gas, bloating, distention, burning, indigestion, or any effect on my bowel movements, then I’d return to a simpler diet from the day before until my body was ready to progress, and not before.

If you’d like to know more about DETOX, check out the article HERE and/or contact me so we can begin your plan of action!

DISCLAIMER: This information is meant for educational purposes only. Any changes in lifestyle should be reviewed with a qualified practitioner and primary care physician if you are currently under their care for specific conditions.