Time is moving forward, regardless of the political nature of the world at this time, and it is up to us to maintain our ground during the levels of changing climate that is swirling around all of us during these times. It is import to note how nature is parallel to our own human existence and how we allow ourselves the opportunity to explore this and integrate it into our current reality. Somethings are within our control such as our perspective and how we act versus react to things. The things outside of us are generally what is not in our control and we can see how each day is such a unique experience in so many ways, more so unpredictable in unknown ways compared to the past.

Ayurveda offers us many tools, rooted in science and its relationship to life as part of life, in order to continue to succeed as much as possible, as simply as possible and at times. We have to “stick it out” to the best of our abilities by using what we know and have available to us right now. Ayurveda shows us that we should still connect with nature as much as possible as a key component to experiencing our human experience in a more optimal and wholesome way. In other words, we return to basics. For some people these days, life is forcing this lesson. While for others, this way of being connected to basics is already inherent in their lives in a way that is already second nature but is more diligently applied to the current times since the current times demand this. This is all happening simultaneously as nature goes through its seasons and all the weather patterns as part of Earths’ essence.

Here are some basic recommendations to help return to basics:

1- Prevent dryness and cold from entering into the body as much as possible.

2- Eat warmer foods

3- Eat seasonally but also according to your digestive/metabolic capacity.

4- Eat your meals consistently around the same time each day.

5- When there are complex health issues or the tendencies towards such things, then simplifying diet and lifestyle are important to integrate.

6- Get to sleep around the same time and ideally around 10pm (or simply not that long after you start to feel tired after your last meal of the day (around 6/7, for instance.)

7- Wake up as soon as you wake up, when the body naturally wakes up.

8- Exercising in the morning before 10 am is ideal. Otherwise before dinner and not too intense of a workout if it later in the day. Do not supplement lunch with exercise of any kind, this includes yoga!

9- Add meditation to your day. Add it any time. Just add it!

10- Find time to collect yourself. Meaning, find time in each day, or a whole weekend, or half a weekend to sit with silence. You can do things around your home but do not speak. Do not interact with others.

11- Find time to pause and be still, anytime before bed.

12- Keep warm. Keep your neck, ears and head protected from the coldness, dryness, and general weather patterns.

13- Bathe/shower daily, and before meals or well after meals.

14- Connect with nature. Drop your phone in your pocket or leave it home or keep it in your car. Just connect with nature. Observe the streams, rivers, sky, leaves, tree, bushes, littler critters, ground growth and anything that has nature all over it.

15- Do not start your day or end your day with the NEWS. Start out with positive heartfelt impressions. This includes not jumping into anything work related as you just wake up. Let the morning time and night time be the ritual in collecting yourself, being present, simplifying and simply being with yourself without the overstimulation of the external environment and all the worldly events that are endlessly happening and can easy cause us to feel turbulent, stimulated, escalated, and stressed. Simplify! There’s a time and place for it all and when everything finds its place then this makes it more easy to exist within our bodies and minds. Remember, the body is affected by how the mind thinks and what we expose our senses to will influence the quality of health of the body.

16- At the end of the day, beginning of the day, remember that we are all doing the best that we can with what we have, and that there is always room for improvement, but to be present and gentle, diligent, consistent, and loving to ourselves as much as possible, as we hold this space and offer this to others too. We are all human and “trying to figure it out.”

DISCLAIMER: This information is meant for educational purposes only. Any changes in lifestyle should be reviewed with a qualified practitioner and primary care physician if you are currently under their care for specific conditions.