This post will be an ongoing document for sometime that shares general tidbits/suggestions that Ayurveda makes towards dinacarya(daily) and rtucarya(seasonal) healthcare and management. Please note that some daily practices may be omitted from the current list but can still be found in the original chapter if you are curious. The reference used is from Asthanga Hrdayam by Srikanthamurthy. The original tidbit will be posted monthly in the newsletter. (Be sure to subscribe, if you haven’t already!)

  1. "PrAtaruthAna”= the healthy person (or to become healthier) should get up from bed during brAhma muhUrta (early morning sunrise) to protect his(her) life." The old adage “early to bed, early to rise, makes a person healthy, wealthy, and wise can relate to this Ayurvedic principle of daily practices that contribute towards health and well being.

    -AH Su 2/1

  2. “Dhantadavana”= cleaning of teeth. It is important to clean your teeth twice daily, once in the morning before ingesting any liquids or solids to cleanse the mouth of the nightly stagnation of bacteria, and at the end of the day before bed to clear the mouth of the day’s residue.

    -AH Su 2/2

  3. “Abhyanga”= oil massage and bath should be resorted to daily, it wards off old age, exertion, and aggravation of Vata, immunity, bestows good vision, nourishment to the body, long life, good sleep, good and strong (healthy) skin. It should be done specially to the head, ears and feet. It should be avoided by persons suffering from aggravation of Kapha, who have just undergone purifacatory therapies like emesis, panchakarma etc. and those suffering from indigestion. -AH Su 2/8-9